Trump Trump With a Nokia? — The End Of Your Digital Privacy

Tristan Palmer - London
2 min readFeb 27, 2017


If one would give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest man, I would find something in them to have him hanged.” Cardinal Richelieu 1641”

Nokia’s re-launching of a generation’s favourite phone in the 3310 has some reminiscing. The 3310 was virtually indestructible and lasted almost forever between charges. As this Wired article points out it’s reboot has a huge market around the world as a cheap go-to phone or as a second phone for others. It was pre Iphone, pre Facebook and pre apps but it could text and play Snake.

I doubt Nokia foresaw the election of President Trump and his empowering the US Homeland security department as a boost to their sales but given reports of visitors to the US being forced to hand over the passwords to their phones I predict sales of the cheap as chips and super reliable 3310 will soar.

After all do you want to hand over your phone to have it’s contents downloaded at passport control? As this must read article points out most of our phones unlock access to every aspect of our digital lives and through that to every private corner of our past thoughts and deeds. Everything you have written, everything you have purchased, maybe every search you have ever made. Do you want that analysed and stored to maybe be used to question you about, or maybe even sold?

We are entering an age of zero personal privacy for almost everyone as well as the profiling of us as individuals in every way and if the US does this, even if it’s on a semi random basis then how long before the UK and other countries also do?

I would expect more European countries such as Germany who have proper memories of why the right of privacy from the state is crucial to a functioning democracy not to do it, but will you feel fine about travelling abroad knowing this could happen to you?

I’ll be buying a 3310 as a second phone.

Will you?

I’m Tristan Palmer and I’m the CEO and Co-Founder of a new stealth mode data / cyber security start up. I’m interested in things like this because things like this are actually our whole life no as well as our future. We are seeking developers to work with and seed funding. Do comment or get in touch.



Tristan Palmer - London

Consumer with opinions. Gardener, technologist, horologist, bee keeper, burner. Just occasionally I write some things down.